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tech, volunteers, public safety, collective intelligence, articles, tools, code and ideas

© Lewis Westbury 2024

How to use Open Social Distributor to post threads and messages across multiple social networks at once.

What if your UI was a slide show? Reveal in React TLDR: Here’s a template repository for a NextJS app with a Reveal slide show UI: instantiator/reveal-on-next

OAuth Token Explorer is a tool to explore authentication and authorisation on behalf of a user.

json-to-smart-csv is a tool to help build CSV records from arbitrary JSON…

A quick guide to running your own tile server, with a geo database populated from OpenStreetMap data.

Exploring your personal Netflix viewing history… What you see is a visualisation of everything I’ved watched since 2012.

This is a quick guide to some of the features of the Semantic Kernel, a Software Development Kit that simplifies integration of language models into your own applications.