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tech, volunteers, public safety, collective intelligence, articles, tools, code and ideas

© Lewis Westbury 2024

This is a necropost, resurrected from an old blog. To find out more about Hack the Police events, civic tech, and policing technology, visit: Police Rewired

See also:

This is a necropost, resurrected from an old blog. To find out more about Hack the Police events, civic tech, and policing technology, visit: Police Rewired

See also:

This is a necropost, resurrected from an old blog. To find out more about Hack the Police events, civic tech, and policing technology, visit: Police Rewired

See also:

This is a necropost, resurrected from an old blog. To find out more about Hack the Police events, civic tech, and policing technology, visit: Police Rewired

See also:

This is a necropost, resurrected from an old blog. The hack The Parliamentary Hack, recently featured in the Independent, was an interesting event.