
Post to a social network

⚠️ This feature is under development.

Presence.SocialFormat.Posting provides a ConnectionFactory which can create and configure a connection to a specified SocialNetwork.

Configuration for each network is required, and each will be different. Each network connection uses configuration variables that start with a specific prefix. For instance, the ATConnection uses AT_ by default.

var env = new Dictionary<string, string>
    { "AT_AccountName", "" },
    { "AT_AppPassword", "your-application-password" }

var connection = await ConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(SocialNetwork.AT, env);
var post = new CommonPost(0, ATThreadComposer.AT_POST_RENDER_RULES)
    Message = [new SocialSnippet($"ATConnection_Posts: {DateTime.Now:O}")]
var result = await connection.PostAsync(post);

In the example above, configuration is provided in the env dictionary. It could also have come from the shell environment…

var env = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables();

For information about configuration key/value pairs, see: Network specifics