
The Presence icon (for now) - an envelope, with thick purple outlines, on a white-to-light-purple gradient


Presence is a set of .NET libraries and tools for formatting and sharing threads across social networks.

You can:

Just want to use the CLI tools?

Network support

Network Notes Thread composition Thread posting Image posting
AT ie. BlueSky
Console Used for testing ✔️

All code here is distributed under the MIT license.

Source code is at: instantiator/presence


Warning. This project is currently under development - libraries are not production-ready yet.

Artefact Type Location Status
Latest source GitHub workflow Latest build and test Build and test
CLI binaries Homebrew tap presence-cli formula Homebrew tap
CLI binaries GitHub release Latest release GitHub Release
Formatting library Nuget package Presence.SocialFormat.Lib NuGet Version
Posting library Nuget package Presence.Posting.Lib NuGet Version


CLI tools

.NET library user guide

Developer notes


Project Purpose Project README
Presence.SocialFormat.Lib A library for composing threads, formatted to the requirements of social networks. README
Presence.SocialFormat.Tests Unit tests for the composition and formatting library. README
Presence.SocialFormat.Console A command line tool to reformat messages for social networks. README
Presence.Posting.Lib A library for posting to social networks. README
Presence.Posting.Tests Unit and integration tests for the posting library. README
Presence.Posting.Console A command line tool to post formatted threads to social networks. README

Dependencies for each project are listed in each project’s README.
