
Create a thread

Presence.SocialFormat.Lib provides a ThreadBuilder class, which can be used to build threads, based on a set of SocialSnippet inputs, for any number of different networks.

Each network has a number of rules, described with structs ThreadCompositionRules, PostRenderRules, and an optional ICounterCreator (the default counter is fairly sensible).

Alternatively, you can reach the thread composers directly. Each implements the IThreadComposer interface, allowing you to compose a thread from a collection of Snippets.


A SocialSnippet is a piece of a post. SnippetType is an enum with several possible values, presenting the type of snippet:

Initialse a SocialSnippet with a simple constructor or the initialisation syntax:

var snippet1 = new SocialSnippet("Simple text");
var snippet2 = new SocialSnippet("This is a link", SnippetType.Link, "");
var snippet3 = new SocialSnippet()
    Text = "#Tagging",
    SnippetType = SocialSnippetType.Tag

Building a thread

Here’s a the simplest possible example - add a single Message snippet (of SnippetType.Text by default), and build the thread.

var posts = new ThreadBuilder(SocialNetwork.AT)
    .WithMessage(new SocialSnippet("Hello, world!"))

The ThreadBuilder.Build() method returns an IDictionary<IThreadComposer, IEnumerable<CommonPost>> - a dictionary keyed by composers, with values of the thread that each composer created.

You could add any number of additional snippets, together as an IEnumerable<SocialSnippet> or individually.

Set tags for the thread, too - similarly, individually or together as an IEnumerable<SocialSnippet>:

var posts = new ThreadBuilder(SocialNetwork.AT)
    .WithTag(new SocialSnippet("#Example1", SnippetType.Tag))
    .WithTag(new SocialSnippet("#Example2", SnippetType.Tag))

By default, the ATThreadComposer will