
CLI options


DistributionCLI <verb> <options...>


  post       Post one or more messages to one or more social networks.
  test       Test all connections in the configuration file.
  help       Display more information on a specific command.
  version    Display version information.


When referring to files, you may provide:

Building the CLI


Here are some simple examples you can use to explore the CLI…

Simple post

Now you can invoke it to post a simple message with a link, a few tags, and an image:

./release/osx-x64/DistributionCLI post \
  --config sample-config/console-only.json \
  --message "Meet the lads from Sev'ral Timez" \
  --images "" \
  --image-descriptions "Creggy G., Greggy C., Leggy P., Chubby Z. and Deep Chris" \
  --tags "GravityFalls;SevralTimez" \
  --link ""

Here’s the same example, but for a local file. To test this, you’ll need to provide the path to a file on your local filesystem as the -i (--images) option.

This example uses single character options:

./release/osx-x64/DistributionCLI post \
  -c sample-config/console-only.json \
  -m "Meet the lads from Sev'ral Timez" \
  -i "file:///Users/lewiswestbury/Desktop/sev'ral timez.png" \
  -d "Creggy G., Greggy C., Leggy P., Chubby Z. and Deep Chris" \
  -t "GravityFalls;SevralTimez" \
  -l ""

Tip: You can include more than 1 image, and more than 1 image description by separating values with a semi-colon: ;

Post from a source file

This example draws on a local file with a series of messages in it:

./release/osx-x64/DistributionCLI post \
  -c "sample-config/console-only.json" \
  -s "sample-messages/single-message.jsonc"

For details on the content of the messages source file format, see: Post list format


You can filter the selection of configured networks for a post or test with the --filter (-f) option. The filter parameter is a regular expression.

In this example, personal$, it filters for networks that end with the word personal:

./release/osx-x64/DistributionCLI test \
  --config sample-config/private-all.json \
  --filter "personal$"